Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Stress, Fear, Isolation and Tools During a Pandemic

It’s been a long time since I have posted to this blog...  more than a year...  and what a year it has been.  

A mad election season coming to a close in just 20 days...  a pandemic that has killed over 205,000 Americans thus far... and is seemingly getting worse with no clear end in sight.  It feels as though reality has been turned upside down and inside out.

How do we practice self-care during times of great stress?  Tools become lifelines as we feel overwhelmed...  frightened...  lonely...  and stressed all at once.   Trying to fight the fear and stress can lead to an inability to function.  We are better served by making a plan to protect ourselves and those we love...  preparation is key.  Purchasing supplies for upcoming needs...  taking time for self care...  maintaining healthy eating habits...  getting much needed outdoor activity...  making sure we get sufficient rest.   All these areas of care are vital...  especially now.

Purchasing supplies for upcoming needs...   hand sanitizer...  disinfectant...  paper products...  masks...  dry food goods that store well...  medication supplies...  vitamins and minerals...  all these items stored carefully and safely decrease stress levels.

Taking time for self care...  daily showers or baths...  personal grooming...  wearing clean clothing...  socializing safely via video chat or phone conversations...   utilizing social media in helpful ways such as pursuing  hobbies or interests with a group of like minded individuals...  making fun videos to share with friends...  watching humorous films that provide comic relief...  engaging in hobbies that require significant engagement and concentration...  playing games with family members.

As an example...  during this pandemic I have set up and maintained a greenhouse...  a hobby I have enjoyed on a smaller scale for many years, that has blossomed into an avocation.  Beside the benefit of growing produce that we consume, the greenhouse has become an oasis of peace and calm where I can relax and enjoy away from the problems of the world.  

Each of us must find our own way during this time of crisis and stress...  some way to hold on to our unique gifts and translate them into a path forward... not just for ourselves...  but for humanity at large.  We all have something valuable we can contribute to making our world a better place...  we each must find our own piece of the puzzle that fits into the larger vision.

A single nasturtium flower in brilliant scarlett blooms in an unlikely place in mid October 2020