Monday, January 22, 2018


Why do women feel the need to speak out… to resist?
What does it mean…  resist… the Dictionary defines resist as, “ withstand,  combat,  weather,  endure…”
What is it that we feel we need to resist?
We are your women… it is our special abilities that define us… we are the ones who make life more than an endurance challenge… we are the ones who soften the rough edges of living… who allow for the continuation of our species… we are the ones you turn to when you hurt… when you need support… when you are sick… when you are alone… we are the nurturers of our society…
Why do you continue to try to limit us?
Why do you fear us?
Why do you continue to treat us as less than yourselves?
Without us your lives would be meaningless.  All of your competition…  your success would mean nothing without our support and appreciation. Without our continuing applause how would you celebrate your victories?
And yet… your continued efforts to attempt to marginalize us is confusing…  all we have ever wanted is to be at your side… a respected equal... rather than being forced to stand behind you as a second class citizen.
We ask nothing more from you then that which you would confirm upon a best friend… dignity… respect… and equality...
For the truth is… we are truly your best friend...

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